

Kani Weave shawls have found a place in famous places across the world like Victoria & Albert Museum in London, whereby carrying the name of Indian art globally.

Ladakh, also known as “Little Tibet” is a mountain region situated in North-western India. The tradition of artistic craftsmanship is a very old art in Ladakh. This involves weaving, knitting falls under the traditional art of this beautiful place.

One of the famous weave in this region is Kani Weave. Kani weaving is used to make delicately patterned shawls in fine Pashmina yarn. The craft of Kani uses small wooden sticks called kanis. Around kanis, artisans wind weft thread to make intricate and magical patterns. It is a creation by extremely talented artisans. This shawl has found a place in famous places across the world like Victoria & Albert Museum in London, whereby carrying the name of Indian art globally.

We are happy to announce the launch of our Ladakh state collection, with a handful of Kani weave shawls. Grab them at the best quality and affordable rates.

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